Bipolar Disability Lawyer

If your Long-Term Disability has been denied call us for your FREE CONSULTATION today.

Bipolar Disorder Disability Lawyers

Free Consultations Nationwide. Call 1-844-434-7224 or Send us a Message Today. If you suffer from Bipolar Disorder and have been Denied your Long-Term Disability Benefits we can help.

Our Disability Lawyers help people who suffer from Bipolar Disorder & have been Wrongfully Denied their Long-Term Disability Benefits. Free Consultations and you Never Pay Upfront.

Bipolar disorder is an extremely serious condition which for some, can be tremendously difficult to live with. It can make it hard to maintain relationships, work commitments, or even everyday life. Sufferers of bipolar disorder may find that they swing between periods of intense highs and lows where the smallest change can set them off balance, hindering their ability to cope with everyday situations. This kind of mental health disability has no cure, making it all the more difficult to manage on a day-to-day basis – especially when work colleagues or friends do not always understand the significance of their symptoms, especially the hypomanic or manic symptoms.

If you suffer from bipolar disorder have been denied your long-term disability benefits you have the right to hire your own long-term disability lawyer to help fight for you. Call Lalande Disability Lawyers today at 1-844-434-7224 for your FREE CONSULTATION or alternatively, send us a message through our website and we will be happy to get right back to you and schedule your FREE CONSULTATION and explain your legal rights to you, and what remedy you may be entitled to.

Remember – if we work together, our bipolar disorder disability lawyers NEVER ask for money upfront, under any circumstances. Our disability lawyers only get paid – if you get paid.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder – previously called manic depression – is a serious mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings, shifts in energy levels, and changes in activity and behavior. It often involves cycles of moods, ranging from depressive lows to manic highs. This disorder can be disabling, making it difficult to maintain or even begin working.

The depression experienced by people who suffer from bipolar disorder can cause changes in sleep habits, loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable, and feelings of guilt or low self-worth.

The mania experienced by people who suffer from bipolar disorder can include impulsive behavior, excessive spending, irritability or agitation, racing thoughts and speech patterns, and sleep disturbances.

What are the Different Types of Bipolar Disorder?

There are two main types of bipolar disorders – Bipolar-I Disorder and Bipolar-II Disorder, with the first being the more severe (and the form of bipolar disorder that is most referred to when discussing this condition). 

Bipolar -I Disorder is a type of bipolar disorder that involves the presence of one or more manic or mixed episodes. Manic episodes are characterized by a period of abnormally elevated, expansive, or irritable mood that lasts at least one week (or less if hospitalization is required).During the manic episodes, some common symptoms include an increase in physical and cognitive energy, so to the point of being hypersensitive to stimuli, feelings of intense joy or happiness for no particular reason, sleeping little, impulsiveness and risk-taking behaviors, talking rapidly with a racing train of thought, feeling powerful and invincible, etc.

Mixed episodes involve the simultaneous presence of symptoms of both manic and depressive episodes. During a mixed episode, a person may experience depressive symptoms such as sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest or pleasure, as well as manic symptoms such as increased energy, irritability, and racing thoughts.

In addition to manic or mixed episodes, people with bipolar-I disorder may also experience one or more major depressive episodes.

Bipolar depression is similar to major depression in that it involves feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyable. However, in bipolar depression, these symptoms occur within the context of a larger pattern of mood swings that include periods of mania or hypomania.

During a depressive episode in bipolar disorder, a person may experience symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, changes in appetite and weight, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, difficulty concentrating, and thoughts of suicide or self-harm.

It’s important to note that bipolar depression is not the same as unipolar depression, which is depression without the presence of manic or hypomanic episodes.

Due to the temporal and changing nature of bipolar disorder, it’s very important to keep track of your emotions in order to help reach an accurate diagnosis as quickly as possible. One of the very first things that a medical professional will suggest that you do when you suspect that you might have bipolar disorder is to start formally tracking your emotions at regular intervals (for example, at the same time every day). An experience of mania for anything shorter than seven days is insufficient for a diagnosis of Bipolar-I disorder, and will likely be categorized under another sub-type. 

Bipolar-ll Disorder is diagnosed with one depressive episode; in other words, anyone with bipolar who hasn’t experienced a manic episode would fall under this category. Individuals with Bipolar-II disorder may experience hypomania in addition to their depression, but the major depressive episode is the most significant indicator of this type.

There are also cases where medical professionals are unable to come to a conclusive decision about whether or not someone’s bipolar should be categorized as Bipolar-I or Bipolar-II, which are then called Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, or BP-NOS. BP-NOS is usually the diagnosis in the event that cases of mania/hypomania are too borderline to call one or the other, or if the duration of a manic episode falls just short of the seven-day requirement to classify it as Bipolar-I disorder.

Cyclothymia is a type of bipolar disorder where most individuals with bipolar disorder would experience bipolar depression, mania and/or wellness in relatively long periods. There are some exceptions, however, there are individuals who regularly experience changes in an emotional state even within the course of a single year. 

Cyclothymia is a milder form of hypomania that cycles for roughly two years before coming to a natural end. The mild nature of cyclothymia means that individuals don’t go as “high” or “low” as those with Bipolar-I during mania or those with Bipolar-II during depression. That said, compared to someone without bipolar disorder, cyclothymia is a major disturbance to someone’s daily routine.

Rapid cycling refers to a form of bipolar disorder where an individual experiences multiple shifts in mood within a single year, compared to normal cases of Bipolar-I and Bipolar-II, where someone might experience one or two mood shifts, at the most, in a single year. An individual can experience rapid cycling for cyclothymia, hypomania, and both types of bipolar disorder. This extreme form of bipolar disorder is unfortunately quite common; according to the Canadian Association of Mental Health (CAMH), another 20% of individuals in Canada with bipolar experience rapid cycling.

What are the main Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

Mania – or Hypomania only presents in the more severe form of bipolar, Bipolar I. During manic or hypomanic episodes, people with bipolar disorder may engage in risky or impulsive behaviors, experience racing thoughts, have difficulty sleeping, and have an inflated sense of self-esteem or confidence. These symptoms can make it difficult to concentrate, make sound decisions, and maintain healthy relationships.

Initially, mania may appear like any other emotional shift, and on the surface, it may appear like the individual is having a good time, but there are a lot of negative symptoms associated with mania that soon follow. People who have mania or are in the manic stage of bipolar disorder have to deal with a range of symptoms that make it challenging for them to continue their daily routines, such as:

  • High self-esteem where individuals might have illusions of grandeur or feel superior to others. 
  • Very high levels of energy where individuals may not need as much sleep but still be able to accomplish much more during the manic phase.
  • Expressiveness where individuals experiencing mania start to speak very quickly and for a long time without rest. They may start to jump from topic to topic that, for listeners, may seem completely unrelated. People with mania may become frustrated or angry if those around them appear unable to understand or follow their conversation during this phase.
  • Loss of concentration whether at work or doing activities at home, individuals during the manic phase of bipolar disorder will find it difficult to focus on one issue at a time. They will appear restless and want to move between different tasks. 
  • Lack of insight and inability to make proper judgments where the level of energy individuals at this stage have makes them unreliable. Their desire to follow any and every distraction they come across means that they cannot make responsible decisions that contribute to the successful completion of any task.
  • Psychosis – in severe cases – where individuals may hallucinate or develop delusions about who they are or what is happening to them in reality. 

Depression – Bipolar disorder related depression presents an immense challenge for those afflicted with it. It is a disabling mental illness which can make work, relationships, and daily life incredibly difficult to manage. People who suffer from bipolar disorder can experience bipolar depression, which is marked by suicidal ideation, loss of energy, difficulty in focusing and concentrating, and other symptoms that can severely impede functioning. Treatment options include medication management, psychotherapy and/or a combination of both. Other bipolar depression related symptoms can be:

  • Lowered emotional feeling or feeling down. 
  • Loss of interest in personal and professional pursuits – regardless of how important something was to them, during this stage, individuals will seem not to care about anything, even their most important personal interests. 
  • Unhealthy weight loss or gain as a result of either binge eating or lack of motivation to eat.
  • Mild forms of insomnia or otherwise difficulty sleeping is associated with feelings of sadness
  • Increased irritability and frustration towards themselves and how other people are feeling.
  • Lack of sympathy for others 
  • Lowered levels of physical energy where individuals will seem to always be in bed or routinely tired.
  • Low levels of self-esteem and confidence where the suffering person may want to blame themselves for everything and express guilt and sorrow for their perceived responsibility

If unchecked, symptoms of depression during this state can quickly spiral out of control. This can result, unfortunately, in feelings of suicide leading to self-harm or the use of illicit substances and alcohol. If you witness someone who is using alcohol or drugs, this may also serve as a flag indicating that they may be dealing with bipolar disorder. 

Causes of Bipolar Disorder

While the causes of bipolar disorder are unknown, Webmd tells us that doctors do have gained a greater understanding in recent years of the bipolar spectrum, which includes the elated highs of mania to the lows of major depression, along with various mood states between these two extremes.

Signs of bipolar disorder normally becomes apparent around teenage years or when someone is in their early 20s, which is usually when the disorder is officially diagnosed. Brain trauma and genetics can both lead to an increased risk for developing bipolar disorder, as can major life stressors such as natural disasters, abuse or the unexpected death of a loved one. Genetics may be particularly important in explaining why some people are more vulnerable to developing bipolar disorder than others, though environmental triggers can sometimes be the missing link between genes and symptoms. Finally, drug use or other substance abuse can also contribute to triggering or worsening bipolar disorder symptoms in certain individuals.

The strongest link however, to understanding the onset of bipolar disorder is still an individual’s genetic makeup. Having a close family member who has had bipolar disorder or a similar mood or mental disorder seems to be one of the clearest indications that you might be at risk of having bipolar disorder yourself.

What can trigger a Bipolar Episode?

A bipolar episode can be set off by a variety of triggers, such as changes in circadian rhythms, seasonality shifts, periods of increased stress or traumatic life events. Changes in sleep patterns, alcohol or drug use, and skipping medications have also been associated with an increased risk for episodes. The specific triggers vary from person to person and larger lifestyle and environmental factors can contribute as well. It is important for people with bipolar disorder to be aware of their personal triggers and work with their healthcare provider to develop strategies that reduce the likelihood of an episode. Some triggers are detailed in more detail below:

Stress poses the constant threat of pushing someone with bipolar disorder from a well state and into a manic or depressive state. Both positive and toxic stress – with toxic stress being the more likely trigger of the two – can serve as a trigger for someone who has bipolar disorder to slide into either state; any situations in life that might be stress-inducing should be a reason for concern for someone who has bipolar disorder: 

Relationships at Work of Home – an abusive personal relationship, a toxic work environment or poor relationships with superiors and coworkers.

Financial Instability – personal debt, work insecurity, unemployment or homelessness.

Seasonal Changes – as a result of certain environmental differences, such as colder winter months or seasonal rain. 

Illness or Injury – Along with the stress that comes as a byproduct of dealing with physical impairment, physical illness and injury force an individual to divide their attention between focusing on their mental health and their physical recovery. Not only does this drain energy and stamina, but the recovery process for physical illness and injury makes a person with bipolar disorder particularly susceptible to having an episode. Having a healthy diet, being physically fit and maintaining a balanced routine helps maintain the body’s hormones at a steady, balanced level, which are tied to someone’s emotional stability. Someone who is trying to recover from illness or injury may not be able to maintain that level of control for extended periods of time.

The physical limitations resulting from illness and injury can be a source of frustration and stress, which in turn can trigger depression.  Prescription medication could also have side effects like changes in mood. 

Social or Personal Milestones – anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays can be reminders of past personal failures or significant personal loss and can trigger an extreme emotional response for people who have bipolar disorder. Many individuals, with or without bipolar disorder, may feel stressed around these dates and may experience negative emotions about having to deal with the social expectations and personal feelings surrounding calendar dates that have particularly important meaning. Having to deal with that level of stress with bipolar disorder is enough to possibly cause someone to slip into either a manic or depressive state.

Drug use – Whether through a doctor’s prescription or by other illicit means, the use of drugs is a strong trigger that can result in someone with bipolar disorder experiencing a manic or depressive episode. 

Drugs, like antidepressants and steroids, are one form of treatment that is sometimes prescribed by medical professionals as part of a preventative course of treatment for bipolar disorder. Unfortunately, they can become part of the problem if not taken in the appropriate dosage. Additionally, drugs, such as anabolic steroids and corticosteroids, can trigger manic episodes. 

Any one or combination of these triggers can result in an individual with bipolar disorder going into a manic or depressive state. While a lot isn’t known about the core causes of the disorder itself, medical professionals agree that it is important for people with bipolar disorder to have a clear understanding of what triggers their bipolar episodes, and to know how to manage the type of bipolar disorder that they are personally experiencing.

Bipolar Disorder can Negatively Affect a Person’s Ability to Work

There’s no doubt that Bipolar disorder can affect many aspects of an individual’s life and can greatly interfere with a person’s ability to find and maintain employment. Countless occupational and medical journals point to the fact that majority of patients with bipolar disorder are not employed and many others are employed only part time. Job-related difficulties are extremely common and people with bipolar disorder tend to have higher rates of absenteeism from work compared with working individuals without bipolar disorder.

Some factors that come into play in regard to bipolar and work disability are:

Overall Medical Experience

The employment status of the persons with bipolar disorder is directly associated with medical variables, such as individuals who severe impairments in cognition, mobility, self-care, social interaction, the ability to cope with daily life, and social participation. During low periods of depression, people with bipolar disorder may experience extreme fatigue, problems with memory and concentration, as well as a lack of motivation.

These cognitive and physical effects can greatly impact an employee’s performance at their place of employment. In addition to reduced productivity, depression can also lead to frequent absenteeism as individuals may struggle to complete daily tasks or attend meetings or other required engagements due to their depression. All of these factors can contribute to a person with bipolar disorder having significant difficulty finding and maintaining employment. 

Overall Work performance

You might be fortunate to be employed in a position where your employer is sympathetic to your condition and understands that some adjustment might be needed to accommodate some unusual activity here or there. However, companies tend to thrive on stability and reliability and in those terms, bipolar disorder is somewhat problematic. 

Working relationships

People going through both the manic and depressive states of bipolar disorder may face social pressures as a result of their disability. Cooperation and teamwork are core tenets in constructing a strong team that will perform well, and bipolar disorder does not always contribute to a productive working environment. 

For example, people experiencing depression in the workplace can be challenging to work with. It’s one thing to be disappointed or upset for a legitimate reason, but having an individual around who is constantly negative and does not respond to encouragement or positive reinforcement can result in poor team morale and lowered productivity. The depressive state also makes individuals with bipolar disorder more likely to express their negative feelings of frustration and anger at others in the office. Physically, people going through the depressive state of bipolar disorder may look constantly tired and may appear unmotivated. 

Mania might help in terms of energy, but it also brings another series of different challenges to the workplace. An individual experiencing a manic state will be less likely to take on constructive criticism, with their heightened self-esteem and feelings of superiority. The friction from this perceived arrogance will more than likely result in lost friendships and broken relationships, compounded by poor decision-making and irrational outbursts of ideas that don’t seem to add any value to the business discussions at the workplace.

Compounded Stresses and Challenges

As a result of bipolar disorder, individuals might face additional issues and other complications that arise from dealing with bipolar disorder. 

The negative experience of working at a workplace that isn’t able to accept them might result in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, social phobia or depression. The perpetual cycle doesn’t help someone with bipolar disorder, since the stress of having to deal with a hostile social environment at work means even more stress, increasing the likelihood of a bipolar episode and worsening the individual’s symptoms in whatever other mental condition they might have developed. 

In the event that someone with bipolar disorder loses their job because they’re unable to keep up with the demands of the work, are involved in a confrontation with coworkers during a bipolar episode, or are let go for constant absenteeism, the resulting financial instability is yet another source of stress for that person and their family. They may experience increased fights and emotional upheaval in their personal lives due to losing their job, as well as anxiety from not knowing if they will have a future opportunity for work. 

Alcoholism and Substance Abuse

Drugs and medication often play a key role in the treatment of bipolar disorder, but substance use can also can be an unfortunate side-effect of the disorder as well. 

Alcohol and substance use can result from a number of initial factors. Doing the unexpected is a symptom of mania and there have been accounts of everything from a clean and sober individual deciding to try hard drugs like cocaine and heroin while experiencing mania to a hard-working individual going into a neighborhood known for drugs to purchase illicit substances. The lack of control that someone living with bipolar has during episodes makes this a particularly tragic reason why many people with bipolar disorder end up addicted to substances. 

Other individuals with bipolar disorder actively search for alcohol and other drugs to self-medicate in their high and low moments. It might start out as an earnest attempt to manage their unstable emotional state – either a drug to bring them down off their high, or one to lift their energy up when they’re down – but whatever the reason, the resulting addiction is all the same. 

Even in the event that someone’s bipolar symptoms do not negatively affect their work performance or professional relationships, drugs are yet another reason why continuing to work while contending with bipolar disorder is often an insurmountable feat.  

Bipolar disorder is a serious medical illness that can have a detrimental effect on your ability to work. In cases where bipolar disorder becomes so severe that it impairs your ability to carry out regular work duties, long-term disability benefits may be available through employer group benefits. These monthly financial benefits, which are normally a portion of your salary, can help you address your mental and emotional health needs with bipolar disorder, allowing you to focus on recovery and stability instead of feeling pressure to maintain a job that demands too much energy and causes too much stress. If you find yourself in this position, contact our bi-polar disability lawyers today to learn yoru rights.

Suffer from Bi-Polar Disorder and Denied your Long-Term Disability Benefits?

If you have bipolar disorder and were denied long-term disability benefits, you are not alone. Our Long-Term Disability Lawyers have seen disability insurance companies deny a person with bipolar disorder disability benefits over and over again for many reasons. If your disability benefits have been denied or steooped it’s important that you contact our Disability Lawyers today to get an opinion on whether the stoppage of your benefits was wrongful. In our experience, some of reasons which your disability adjuster may have stopped your disability payments include:

Not understanding Bipolar Disorder – bipolar disorder is a complex mental health issue that can have silent symptoms, or those which are not necessarily visible on the surface. Often times disability claims adjusters will take the position that you “can work” or “do something” during period where they don’t see you suffering from serious symptoms of mania or depression. If this happens to you, it’s vital that you contact our disability lawyers as soon as possible.

Over-riding your family doctor – our Disability Lawyers have seen disability insurance companies over-ride claimants family doctor’s advice and opinion that their patient cannot work. This may be for a variety of factors, including relying on a disability insurer’s independent medical examination or hinging their decision on one cherry-picked medical entry somewhere in your file which states that you are “doing well”.

Lacking treatment – your disability insurance company is saying that you are not participating in an active treatment program or you are not following a proper course of treatment for bipolar disorder. A claimant might be following up with their family doctor and following a course of bipolar disorder related medication or treatment, but this is sometimes not enough for some insurance adjusters to approve benefits.

Investigation results – remember, Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health issue that can have silent symptoms, or those which are not necessarily visible on the surface. What happens when a person suffering from Bipolar disorder is not experiencing serious symptoms, and take a photo for instagram or facebook showing enjoying s nature walk or having dinner with family members or friends? For some disability insurance adjusters who do not understand the condition, it could mean the end of your monthly benefits. If this happens to you, you need to contact our Long-Term Disability Lawyers immediately to start your case.

Insufficient medical evidence – In order to successfully file a claim for disability benefits, a disabled person is required by insurance companies to produce medical evidence that their illness is severe enough to meet the requirements for disability benefits. The onus is on you (or your disability lawyers) to provide enough medical evidence to support your disability. Often times, for some disability adjusters – there is never enough medical documentation that will satisfy them and keep you on claim.

Your insurance company believes you can work – insurance companies will often reject disability benefit claims based on the belief that a claimant can maintain their employment even while suffering from bipolar disorder. Insurance companies base decisions to pay long-term disability claims to disabled individuals on medical evidence and personal testimonies from members of the workplace, like coworkers and management. In other cases, insurance companies will get insurance company rehab advisers involved to administer “TFA’s” or transferable skills analysis testing – which almost never come out in the claimant’s favor. If this happens to you – call us today. Our Long-Term Disability Lawyers have represented thousands of claimants since 1984 and can help you.

Bi-Polar Disability Denials and Internal Appeals

Has your disability insurance company tried to convince you to appeal your denied disability claim through their internal systems? Many claimants will discover that this process is ineffective and a waste of valuable time that simply delays your benefit payment. By filing an internal appeal, you are simply providing new or fresh medical records to the same insurance company that denied you in the first place – and the same insurance company whom y ou have probably been fighting with for years. Instead of appealing your denial, call our bipolar disorder disability lawyers to get the FREE information you need to make a better and more informed decision about how to handle your long-term disability benefit claim.

If you’ve been Denied Long-Term Disability for Bipolar Disorder, contact our Disability Lawyers for your FREE consultation today.

Even with all the research demonstrating the impact of bipolar disorder on work and one’s ability to perform their job duties, insurance companies often continue to deny disability claims. If your long-term disability claim has been denied due to depression, you have rights, for example:

  • you have the right to “say no” to the appeals process
  • you have the right to hire your own Disability Lawyer to fight for you
  • you have the right to talk to a disability lawyer for free
  • you have the right to pursue a claim against your disability insurer for breach of contract
  • you have the right access a disability lawyer free of charge on a no-win, no fee basis

Since 1984, the long-term disability lawyers from Lalande have recovered tens of millions in wrongfully denied long-term disability benefits for disabled claimants who suffer from bi-polar disorder and are unable to work.

Stop struggling with a faceless insurance company – and call our Long-Term Disability Lawyers to schedule your free consultation today. We represent claimants suffering from bipolar disorder all over Canada and we can help you get your long-term disability benefits back on track.

Our consultations are 100% free – and if you decide to work with our long-term disability lawyers, the fee is free. We do not charge our clients anything unless we win their case. We are happy to provide you the legal advice you need in order for you to make an informed decision about your own particular situation.

Book your your Free Consultation with our Bi-Polar Disability Lawyers now.

There are several ways to book your free consultation with our Long-Term Disability Lawyers:

  • Call us for free no matter where you are in Nationwide at 1-844-4-DISABILITY.
  • You can send us a confidential email through our website – and we would be happy to explain your long-term disability rights and legal options to you, at no cost.
  • You can inquire through any form on our website.
  • You can CHAT live 24/7 and your discussion will be provided to our intake person without delay and we will get right back to you.



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FAQ about Bipolar Disorder and Long-Term Disability Claims

Can I get disability benefits with bipolar disorder?

In most cases, yes, so long as you satisfy the definition of total disability as it is set out in your long-term disability policy.

Can I get Long-Term Disability in Ontario for bipolar disorder?

In most cases, you can qualify for Long-Term Disability benefits if you suffer from bipolar disorder, so long-as you meet the definition of “total disability” within your disability insurance policy.

Can a disability lawyer help me with my claim for disability benefits?

Yes, a disability lawyer can help you:
– Understand your legal rights
– Educate you on the system and how it works
– Identify any potential issues that could affect your claim
– Help you recover the benefits you deserve to help you financially

How hard is it to get disability benefits for bipolar disorder?

In Ontario, you can qualify for disability benefits if you are following a proper treatment plan, getting the appropriate therapy or counseling required, and you satisfy the requirements of the definition of a “total disability” within the meaning of your disability insurance policy.

What type of bipolar disorder is considered a disability?

It is not the type of bipolar disorder that you suffer from, but rather if your bipolar disorder prevents you from engaging or completing the substantial duties of your employment.

Is talking to a bipolar disorder disability lawyer free?

Yes, talking to a disability lawyer about your case should always be free. At our firm, we never charge anyone to talk to us about their case. We understand that another bill is the last thing you need while suffering and being cut-off disability.

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder characterized by extreme shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels. People with bipolar disorder experience both manic and depressive episodes, often alternating between the two.

I don’t have money to hire a disability lawyer, what should I do?

Contact our disability lawyers today – all consultations are 100% free and we never ask clients for money upfront under any circumstances.

Can bipolar disorder keep you from working?

Yes – bipolar disorder can keep you from working. The symptoms or either mania or depression can affect a person’s concentration, energy levels, judgement, proper decision making and overall work productivity. Suffering from Bipolar Disorder can make it extremely challenging to manage work responsibilities.

Do I Have A Disability Case?


If you’ve been denied disability or your benefits have been terminated – fill in the form below.  We are more than happy to review your case and get right back to you.

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