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When Anxiety Makes Working Impossible: A Guide to Long-Term Disability

Navigating the complex world of long-term disability benefits can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with debilitating anxiety disorders. In this comprehensive guide, the experienced disability lawyers at Lalande Disability Lawyers explore how anxiety can make working impossible and provide valuable insights on seeking the support you deserve. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by individuals with anxiety disorders in the workplace, our team is dedicated to helping you understand your rights, explore potential accommodations, and fight for the long-term disability benefits you need to focus on your mental health and well-being. Let Lalande Disability Lawyers be your trusted allies in your journey towards securing the financial support and peace of mind you deserve.

Anxiety can be Complex and Debilitating

Anxiety is a complex and often misunderstood mental health condition that varies widely in symptoms and severity. If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “I can’t hold a job because of my anxiety,” know that you’re not alone. This is a common struggle for many individuals living with anxiety disorders.

In some cases, anxiety can brutally derail an individual’s life, compromising their mental state, manifesting physical symptoms, and making life unbearable. Our disability lawyers for anxiety have seen firsthand how debilitating anxiety disorders can be, making daily tasks feel insurmountable and going to work impossible.

Many who suffer from anxiety struggle at work, often missing excessive days, performing poorly, missing deadlines, and more. This can cause tension between coworkers and even the possibility of losing their jobs – thus creating more stress and anxiety.

If your anxiety disorder has reached this point – contact our disability lawyer today for a free consultation. A long-term disability lawyer can review your circumstances and offer our best advice regarding a path forward. We can advise you of what benefits and resources you may be eligible for and help you secure them.

If you can’t keep a job due to anxiety, a disability lawyer is here to help. Read on to learn more about anxiety and what our disability lawyer for anxiety can do to help you better manage your anxiety and reduce the financial strain on you and your loved ones.

Understanding Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are mental health conditions characterized by persistent and overwhelming feelings of worry, fear, and unease. These feelings can be so intense that they significantly interfere with an individual’s daily life, including their ability to work. Anxiety disorders are a leading cause of disability worldwide. If you struggle to hold a job because of your anxiety, know that you are not alone. The most common types of anxiety disorders include:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): People with GAD experience chronic, excessive worry about everyday matters, even when there is little or no reason for concern. They may feel constantly on edge, restless, and irritable while having difficulty concentrating, making decisions, and sleeping.

Physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, sweating, trembling, fatigue, and gastrointestinal problems like nausea or diarrhea are also common. The constant worry and physical symptoms can be exhausting and make it hard to function at work.

Various scenarios or situations can trigger intense anxiety for someone with GAD.

At work, this might include:

  • Tight deadlines or high-pressure projects: The fear of not completing tasks on time or to a high standard can cause overwhelming worry.
  • Interpersonal conflicts with coworkers or supervisors: Concerns about job security, being disliked, or not meeting expectations can fuel anxiety.
  • Changes in job responsibilities or work environment: Adjusting to new roles, teams, or office spaces can be highly stressful for someone with GAD.
  • Performance reviews or presentations: The possibility of negative feedback or public speaking can trigger intense worry and self-doubt.
  • Making mistakes or receiving criticism: Perfectionistic tendencies and fear of failure can make even minor errors feel catastrophic.
  • Uncertainty about job stability or company changes: Concerns about layoffs, restructuring, or other unpredictable events can cause constant worry.

Outside of work, people with GAD may experience heightened anxiety around things like:

  • Health issues, either their own or those of loved ones.
  • Financial matters, such as paying bills or saving for the future.
  • Relationship problems or family conflicts.
  • World events, political issues, or natural disasters.
  • Daily decisions, schedules, or minor inconveniences.

It’s important to note that for individuals with GAD, the anxiety is disproportionate to the actual situation and is difficult to control. They may recognize that their worry is excessive but still feel unable to stop it. A long-term disability lawyer can help if this impacts your ability to work.

Social Anxiety Disorder: Also called social phobia, this condition involves intense fear and avoidance of social situations due to worries about being judged, embarrassed, or rejected by others. It goes beyond just shyness or nervousness.

Those with social anxiety may experience physical symptoms like blushing, sweating, trembling, rapid heartbeat, and nausea when in social situations. Individuals with social anxiety disorder are also prone to panic attacks, particularly when in uncomfortable or highly social situations.

The fear can become so severe that it prevents people from going to work, school, or other activities. They may turn down job promotions or avoid jobs that require frequent interaction with others. They may even push away friends and family in fear of panic attacks, judgement, or other uncomfortable physical symptoms. A disability lawyer can advise on potential accommodations or benefits if social anxiety is preventing you from working.

Panic Disorder: Panic attacks are sudden, intense episodes of fear accompanied by physical symptoms like chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, or abdominal distress. During a panic attack, individuals may feel like they’re losing control, going crazy, or even dying.

Those with panic disorder have recurrent, unexpected panic attacks and live in constant fear of having another one. This fear can lead to avoidance of places or situations where attacks have occurred, causing significant disruption to daily life and work. A long-term disability lawyer can help if panic disorder is impacting your employment.

They may be unable to be alone or go to unfamiliar places. Some individuals with panic disorder develop agoraphobia and become unable to leave their homes, even if they want to.

For someone with a panic disorder, a variety of situations or triggers can lead to a panic attack. These often include:

  • Stressful or high-pressure situations at work, such as giving a presentation or meeting a tight deadline.
  • Interpersonal conflicts or confrontations with coworkers or supervisors.
  • Crowded or enclosed spaces include a full elevator or a small meeting room.
  • Situations that feel out of control or unpredictable, like a last-minute change in plans or a delayed flight.
  • Physical sensations that are misinterpreted as dangerous, such as a rapid heartbeat or shortness of breath.
  • Reminders of past panic attacks, like returning to a location where an attack occurred.
  • Chronic stress or sleep deprivation can lower the threshold for panic attacks.

It’s important to note that panic attacks can also occur without a clear trigger. The fear of having a panic attack in public or at work can itself become a source of anxiety, leading to a self-perpetuating cycle. A disability lawyer for anxiety can help you understand your options if panic disorder is preventing you from working.

Phobias: A phobia is an intense, irrational fear of a specific object or situation that poses little or no actual danger, such as heights, flying, animals, or getting an injection. People with phobias may experience panic attacks when confronted with their feared object or situation. They may go to great lengths to avoid their feared object or situation, which can severely limit their daily activities and employment options.

For example, someone with a driving phobia may be unable to commute to work, while someone with a phobia of public speaking may turn down a promotion that requires giving presentations. A long-term disability lawyer can advise on potential accommodations or benefits in these situations.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): PTSD can develop after experiencing a traumatic event. People with PTSD may have flashbacks, nightmares, or severe anxiety triggered by reminders of the trauma. In a work environment, this can manifest as an inability to concentrate, emotional outbursts, or avoidance of certain tasks or places.

Agoraphobia: This is the fear of being in places where escape might be difficult or help unavailable during a panic attack or other incapacitating symptoms. It can prevent someone from leaving their home, let alone maintaining a job that requires commuting or being in public spaces.

How Anxiety Can Make Holding a Job Feel Impossible

For people with anxiety disorders, holding down a job can be highly challenging. The very nature of work – with its deadlines, responsibilities, social interactions, and performance pressures – can exacerbate anxiety symptoms.

While the specific difficulties vary depending on the individual and the job, some common issues make work particularly hard for those with anxiety. This is where a disability lawyer for anxiety can help navigate the complex landscape of employment and mental health.

Certain jobs tend to be more challenging for people with anxiety disorders. These often include:
Jobs with high stress and tight deadlines, like journalism, law, or finance. The constant pressure can worsen anxiety symptoms.

Jobs that require frequent social interaction, like customer service, sales, or teaching. For those with social anxiety, the constant need to interact with others can be overwhelming and even trigger panic attacks.
Jobs with high public visibility, like politics or entertainment. The scrutiny and potential for public embarrassment can trigger intense anxiety.

Jobs with unpredictable schedules, like shift work or freelancing. The lack of routine can disrupt coping strategies and aggravate anxiety.

Jobs that require travel, like consulting or sales, can be stressful due to being away from home and normal support systems.

Even jobs without these characteristics can be difficult for people with anxiety. General job demands like attending meetings, managing projects, or even commuting to work can be overwhelming when you constantly battle worry, fear, and panic. A long-term disability lawyer can help you understand your rights and options.

Workplace Anxiety: Finding Control Amid Chaos

Anxiety can impact job performance in many ways. For example, it can impair concentration and memory, making learning new tasks or remembering essential details hard. It can lead to indecision and perfectionism, causing projects to take longer than necessary. Anxiety can also cause physical symptoms like fatigue and muscle tension, reducing productivity.

Social anxiety can make communicating with coworkers, participating in meetings, or networking hard. And the fear of having a panic attack at work can itself be debilitating. A disability lawyer can help you request accommodations to manage your anxiety at work.

Some potential accommodations that can help people with anxiety succeed at work may include:

  • Flexible schedules or work-from-home arrangements to reduce commute stress and allow for breaks as needed.
  • Quiet, private workspaces to reduce overstimulation and allow for relaxation.
  • Written instructions and regular feedback to reduce uncertainty and worry.
  • Advance notice of changes to routines or expectations to allow for mental preparation.
  • Permission to take breaks during meetings or presentations if anxiety spikes.
  • Reduction of non-essential social interactions or travel.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge that even with accommodations, holding a job can be impossible for some individuals with severe anxiety disorders. The demands of work may simply be too much to manage alongside the daily battle with anxiety symptoms.

Some may need to take a break from work to focus on treatment and recovery. Others may find that certain types of work are not feasible for them and need to explore alternative career paths or sources of financial support.

In addition, if you find that your anxiety is making it difficult or impossible to hold a job, it’s essential to seek professional help. A mental health professional can work with you to develop coping strategies, manage symptoms, and determine what level of work is feasible for you. A long-term disability lawyer can also advise on potential financial support options.

When Anxiety Disrupts Your Career: Long-Term Disability

When anxiety becomes so severe that it prevents you from working, it’s essential to consider all your options for financial support. One potential avenue is via your long-term disability benefits. These benefits can provide a percentage of your income if you are unable to work due to a medical condition, including mental health disorders like anxiety.

Applying for long-term disability benefits can be a daunting process, but it can also be a lifeline. Financial support can reduce the stress and pressure of trying to work while managing severe anxiety symptoms. It can give you the time and space you need to focus on treatment and recovery without worrying about how you will pay your bills. A disability lawyer can guide you through the application process.

However, getting approved for long-term disability benefits for anxiety can be challenging. There is still a significant stigma around mental health issues, and anxiety disorders are often misunderstood.

Unlike physical disabilities, anxiety is an “invisible disorder.” There are no blood tests or X-rays that can definitively prove its severity. This can make it harder to demonstrate to insurers or employers that your anxiety indeed prevents you from working. A long-term disability lawyer can help you gather the necessary evidence to support your claim.

For example, insurers and employers may question the legitimacy of anxiety claims, arguing that everyone experiences stress and that you should be able to push through it. They may point to periods where you could work and use that as evidence that you’re not disabled. A disability lawyer for anxiety can help you counter these arguments by gathering detailed medical evidence and expert opinions that demonstrate the severity of your condition.

It’s crucial to have detailed documentation of your anxiety disorder from mental health professionals. This should include a diagnosis, a description of your symptoms, and an explanation of how these symptoms impact your ability to work. Make your application as detailed as possible, with as many records as possible. Remember, you, the claimant, have the onus of proving that you are disabled under the policy definitions.

Have your Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits for Anxiety?

Having your long-term disability benefits denied for anxiety can be an incredibly stressful and overwhelming experience. You’re already struggling with your mental health and the challenges it presents in your ability to work, and now you’re faced with the prospect of losing the financial support you were counting on. It’s a devastating blow, but it’s important to remember that a denial is not the end of the road. A disability lawyer can help you appeal the denial.

As difficult as it may be, try not to lose hope. You have options, and there are experienced disability lawyers who can help fight for the benefits you deserve. The legal team at Lalande Disability Lawyers understands the tactics that disability insurers often employ to deny claims, even when the medical evidence clearly supports the validity of the disability. Sadly, it’s a common occurrence, and most people find that they need legal representation to successfully overturn a denial.

Your insurance company may encourage you to file an internal appeal, but in most cases, this is simply a delay tactic that rarely leads to a different outcome. After all, you’re essentially just asking the same company that denied your claim to reconsider their own decision. Instead, your best course of action is to consult with a qualified long-term disability lawyer as soon as possible to explore your options for taking legal action against the insurer.

When searching for legal representation, it’s crucial to find a law firm that specializes in disability claims and has specific experience handling cases involving anxiety and other mental health conditions. These cases can be complex, and it takes a legal team with a deep understanding of the nuances involved to build a strong case on your behalf. At Lalande Disability Lawyers, we offer free consultations and are committed to taking the time necessary to fully understand your unique situation and provide you with the guidance you need.

During your consultation, don’t be afraid to ask pointed questions to ensure you’re comfortable with the firm’s approach and expertise. Find out how many cases similar to yours they’ve handled, what their success rate is, and what strategy they would employ to fight for your benefits. The right disability lawyer will be compassionate, knowledgeable, and committed to advocating fiercely for your rights.

Remember, you’re not alone in this fight. If you’ve been denied long-term disability benefits for anxiety, consider reaching out to the experienced legal team at Lalande Disability Lawyers. With their guidance and support, you can challenge your insurer’s denial and work towards securing the benefits you need and deserve. Take the first step towards protecting your rights and your financial well-being by scheduling a free consultation with a long-term disability lawyer today.

Remember, your disability lawyer is not just a legal representative but also an ally and a source of support during a challenging time.

If you’ve been Denied Long-Term Disability, our Disability Lawyers can Help.

Anxiety affects every individual differently, but it can become extremely debilitating. It can cause individuals to feel intense fear, paranoia, worry, and uneasiness daily. More severe cases of anxiety disorders can also produce physical symptoms like nausea, headaches, vomiting, and more.

This can make it unbearable to get through the day, let alone go to work. In many cases, anxiety disorders are eligible for long-term disability benefits, but the onus is on you to prove your condition meets the definition of “total disability.” With invisible disorders like anxiety, this can be challenging. Our disability lawyers for anxiety have over 40 years of experience navigating cases like this and can help get your long-term disability benefits back on track.

Whether you’re in the application process or have already been denied, our disability lawyer for anxiety can help. We offer dedicated and compassionate representation and support to alleviate stress and overwhelm from you so you can focus on yourself, your health, and your family.

Our long-term disability lawyers understand the tactics used by insurance companies, and we will ensure you are not taken advantage of. Your focus and priority should be on healing, recovering, and adapting, not on paperwork and negotiations.

We will represent you, speak with the insurance company on your behalf, and represent you in court if necessary. We’ll ensure you don’t miss any deadlines and help you submit the correct paperwork. Let us handle the legal issues while you focus on yourself and your family.

Call us today at 1-844-4-DISABILITY or send us an email through our website to set up your free consultation with a disability lawyer today. All calls are completely confidential, and we will get back to you promptly.



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